H.hayes Art I Portfolio

Examples of ways to combine Elements and Principles

Card 1: Line & Rhythm

Card 2: Shape & Movement

Card 3: Form & Proportion

Card 4: Color & Unity

Card 5: Space & Balance

Card 6: Texture & Repetition

Card 7: Value & Pattern

Card 8: Variety

Card 9: Emphasis

Post the Assignment for the cards and a photo of the sketches of your cards (list of card prompts like Line & Rhythm, Shape & Movement.

Write what you learned as you explored the Elements of Art and Principles of design cards. Use as many vocabulary words as possible. Write what you found most challenging about monoprinting.

i learned that there are many principles of design like variety , shape and movement , color and unity

Post a completed card. Write about your favorite card that you created and what you learned about the Element of art/Principle of design it represents. Use as many vocabulary words as possible.

i like the bear paw card i did i thought it was good it represents shape and movement and i learned that shape and movement it shows a shape and movement around the card or art work

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