The Mysteries of the Oceans By Drew Middleton

The ocean has 97% of the worlds water, yet we are still low on drinking water. Why is this? This is because the ocean water is undrinkable. The water in the oceans are salt water, and will dehydrate you even more when you drink it, leaving you more thirsty than before.

School of fish in the ocean

The ocean is a very large and important part of Earth today. It provides many things that we need in order to survive. The clothes you wear, food you eat, water you drink, oxygen you breath, all comes from and can be transported from the ocean. A lot of the food that we eat and clothes we wear are made across the ocean and transported over using boats that travel across the ocean. The ocean is also a very big part of the water cycle, and evaportaes inot the rain and clouds that are everywhere else around the world. But what is the most important thing for life? Breathing. And the plants in the ocean take in the carbon dioxide and release a lot of the oxygen that we use today.


Created with images by Pok_Rie - "water sunrise ocean" • NOAA's National Ocean Service - "Rainforests of the Sea"

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