Marianne Moore Gabby Banda

Marianne Moore was born in St.Louis Missouri, on November 15, 1887. Moore and her family lived with her grandfather until he passed away. After that they began to go and live with other Family members. Then in 1896 they moved to Pennsylvania in a town named Carlisle. She went to college and graduated in 1909 then went back to college. From 1911 to 1915 she become a school teacher. Her mother and her then moved to New York City where she got a job as a assistant in a Public Library. While having her job at the Public Library she had the chance to meet poets. After meeting more poets she began to do her own work. Some of her works included, “ The Fables of La Fontaine (1954); Like a Bulwark (1956); O, to Be a Dragon (1959); Tell Me, Tell Me: Granite, Steel, and Other Topics (1966); and The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore (1967). She then wrote her own book “Poems” and she got high recognized for her work and won lots of awards. Marianne didn’t just write poetry though, she it other things like; prose pieces, including reviews and essays. Her prose pieces covered lots of different subjects that different people could relate too. She was personally a baseball so she wrote the liner notes to Muhammad Ali’s record, “I Am the Greatest”. Over her lifetime she became well known for the her work that she had done. She became almost like a celebrity, people knew her well. Companies would even asked her for suggestions on names for cars, they would just deny them anyway. Marianne lived a very successful life, she loved her mother deeply and lived with her till she died. Marianne Moore did on February 5, 1972 in New York City.

“Marianne Moore”

“Marianne Moore” Poetry Founation


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