Quick Tech, Quick Checks Dylan Hudson - hudsond@bcsdschools.net

Our Goal: To discuss and learn about 4 ways to complete formative (quick check) assessments with students using technology.

1. Padlet


  • Padlet is a bulletin board-style site that allows kids to create, collect, and store information in one central place.
  • Students can drag-and-drop content they find online (images, videos, documents, text) onto a board, and share the board with others if they choose to.
  • Students can share boards with other Padlet users or keep them private.
  • In my classroom, I often use Padlet to facilitate discussions or as an exit ticket.
  • Let's see how Padlet works! Click below!

2. Quizizz


  • With Quizizz you are able to access hundreds of ready made learning quizzes or create your own.
  • One very unique feature it that Quizizz allows you to pick and choose from questions that are already in their quiz database.
  • The questions appear on the students' screens and students are given an avatar before the quiz begins. You can play the quizzes in "live" mode or you can assign them for homework. Either option will provide you with great data!

Click below to join a Quizizz that I have created for you, so you understand how it would work with students.

Here's a video I made about Quizizz for a demo slam, feel free to watch when you have the chance!



  • Using Socrative teachers can initiate formative assessments through quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space races.
  • Socrative will instantly grade, aggregate and provide visuals of results.
  • Socrative is linked to MasteryConnect, so you can create a quiz and have that quiz aligned to a standard.

Click below to join my Socrative room. The room name is HUDSONCHAMPS. We'll take a short quiz then I'll show you have to display student's progress and how to save your results to Google Drive.



  • Recap is a tool that allows for students to record themselves answering questions in 2 minutes or less.
  • Teachers post the questions and students respond to the questions by recording themselves answering the question.
  • After the due date has pasted for a post, Recap will create a Daily Review Reel, compiling all of the clips together into one video.
  • One import thing to note per Recap's Privacy Policy is the following: "Children under the age of thirteen must receive consent by an educator or educational institution to use Swivl Recap™ and the educator or educational institution assumes responsibility for obtaining the appropriate parental consent." I recommend getting consent from parents and checking with your principal if you have students under the age of 13.

So now let's Recap what you've learned today! Record a short video telling one thing new that you learned today. Click below to join my Recap class for this PD. You'll sign in through Google and enter in the following class pin: aeokmhv

If you need help just raise your hand and I'll help you!

Thank you for your time! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the tech tools discussed today.

Email: hudsond@bcsdschools.net

Twitter: @mrhudson_psm


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