Jina Jina Hair Salon

First Impression

The first thing customers can admire as they step inside Jina Jina Hair Salon is the decor. The clean, simplistic design adequately fills up each and every part of the salon without cluttering up the space. The furnitures blend in quite nicely with the walls, and numerous potted plants give the salon a soothing, natural feel. The color scheme is very interesting: the walls provide a generally cool tone to the room, and the floor and the lighting adds some warmth, yet these two contrasting tones blend together surprisingly well. Overall, the salon has neutral tone that helps to distinguish hair tones, but at the same time, each spectrum of coolness and warmth is highlighted at different places, making the room feel more lively.

Why Jina?

But it's not just the decor that brings the customers back to the salon; in fact, most of the credit goes to Jina, the owner and the one and only full-time hair stylist at the salon. As the owner of the place, it's her duty to provide services that make customers want to come back to the salon. Maybe it's her smile that brings back some. Or maybe it's her ability to speak Korean and Japanese fluently. Or it even may be her friendly gossiping with the ladies while she clips their hair.

Or is it maybe the extra service that Jina goes out of her way to provide? Because she wants her customers to have healthy hair, she often applies hair treatment gels after their perm job is all done and provides tips on taking care of their hair so that they don't get split ends later on. Even for a simple cut, she carefully shows the steps to recreate the same look at their homes. It may be that customers come back every time they need a hair styling because they know that she cares about her customers.

But most likely, it's her hair styling skills that bring back the customers. Whether it be a simple trim for a child or an elaborate perm for a lady getting ready for some big event, Jina can complete it without a sweat. She handles the scissors with finesse that reflects years of expertise: her deft hands clip in and out almost as fast as a razor. Sometimes the cuts seem rather random and unnecessary, but when people stop and ask her, they quickly realize that each cut carries much deliberation.

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