AMAZON Recommendatıons

Amazon is an e-commerce giant leading and developing the market with its B2B and B2C businesses. This situation affects recommendations perspective which is evaluated under the 7C framework.
SIMPLIFICATION - "CONTEXT" and "CONTENT" in the framework
PROBLEM: Amazon has a simplification problem. A wide range of product categories and placements of memberships on the website cause an untidy look. Moreover, it inconveniences navigation and decrease web design quality. Navigation is one of the main characteristics while designing user-friendly good website design (Baltas and Karayanni 2003). RECOMMENDATION: The main top should be simplified. As Platon said, "Great design simplifies a very complicated world." This is why categories should be clustered more restrictedly and advanced search tool may be used more efficiently.
PROBLEM: Amazon Prime is also a sub-brand of Amazon, beyond the membership. Although it is places on many different locations on the websites for creating brand awareness, it is not effective for pushing customers due to lack of information. Further, it creates more commercial perception rather than customer relationship approach. RECOMMENDATION: Amount of placements of Prime logo on the pages should be decreased. Instead of just using logo, benefits of Prime should be given as keywords. Prime's segment is different from student and family. Its communication should be used in a proper way.
SELLERS - "CONTENT" and "COMMUNICATION" in the framework
PROBLEM: Amazon is not only a B2B but also B2C e-commerce website. This is why its design should be proper for both. Amazon's internet marketing works and reflections on the website are not clear. For example, they share inspiring sellers stories but it is difficult to find on the website. RECOMMENDATION: Amazon is very personalised for B2C business. It should implement the same strategy more apparently for B2B business. Instead of showing all documents and the information on the same place in a messy way, they could create a customised interface for sellers and communication tools such as micro-websites.
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