Vitamins and Minerals Josh WErnli B4

The function for water soluble is that it dissolves in water.
Vitamin B has a function of helping your body use fat and protein. It can be found in fruits like strawberries and bananas. Deficiency of Vitamin B is spina bifida.
Vitamin C helps the body make collagen. it can be found in limes and oranges. deficiency of vitamin c is scurvy.
Fat soluble function is to dissolve in fat.
Vitamin K helps the blood clot. It can be found in dark green foods like broccoli and cabbage. Deficiency of vitamin K is extreme bleeding.
Vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin hair and nails. Vitamin A can be found in carrots and broccoli. Deficiency of vitamin A is night blindness.
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. It can be found in cheese and fish. Deficiency of vitamin D is Rickets.
Vitamin E helps the body by acting as an antioxidant. It can be found in almonds and raw seeds. deficiency of vitamin E is muscle weakness.
Calcium promotes healthy bones and teeth. Calcium can be found in milk and cheese. Deficiency of calcium is osteoporosis.
Iron helps make blood cells. It can be found in red meat and beans. Deficiency of iron is anemia.
Sodium and Potassium maintain fluid balance in the body. It can be found in salt and bananas. Deficiency of it is muscle cramps.


Created with images by shock264 - "Bell Peppers" • JeepersMedia - "Flintstones Kids Vitamins" • technicolor76 - "water drops" • - "Various Fruits / Verschiedene Früchte" • moonjazz - "Lemons and Limes, Fresh Fruit Color" • PublicDomainPictures - "berliner breakfast bun" • katerha - "Pumping Iron, Riboflavin, Magnesium and Phosphorus, Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Potassium and Manganese." • WerbeFabrik - "vegetables spit grapes" • lloydcrew - "January 30, 2011" • Alpha Plus AB - "E-vitamin MerVital" • cygig - "diamond gem cubic zirconia" • Julie-Kolibrie - "cow tyrol alm" • ZOE-Animation-Studio - "gym barbell training" • thomaspedrazzoli - "bananas banana shrub fruits"

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