My Journey Megan HArdin

"No one knows what changes, big or small, lie ahead. One thing is certain, our journey's not over."

My journey has been a wonderful one. It has been filled with ups and downs, hard times and good ones. I have gotten to know not only friends better, but myself.

Here is a significant part of my journey, Disney World. This is my favorite place to go on vacation.

Here is another part of my journey, volleyball.

Here is my family which is always there for me on my journey.

In past I learned about responsibility, being independent, and being strong. In middle school I began caring about my grades more and how to accept help from others.

-Taylor Swift

Now I can complete mainly all assignments on my own. I know more about myself and relationships. I am stronger and independent.

In the future I want to be a pharmacist and study at either Purdue University or Butler University. I want to have the best grades, challenging classes, and to be prepared for anything. I want to move to Montana when I get older, get married, and start a family.

For the class of 2021 my best advice is to make time. In high school everything gets magnified your grades, social life, and after school activities. Sports become a bigger part of your life, but always put your grades above sports. Make time to be with your friends. Studying all the time and stressing about school isn't fun, so make sure you put yourself first too. My number one thing to remember is get your work done when it's assigned. Don't wait till the last minute it never helps you.

For now I'm still figuring myself out on my journey, but I know it will only make me stronger.

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