PALS Adult Program Newsletter Edition 51: january 13th, 2017

Welcome to Edition 51! Here is a look at what happened this week at the PALS Adult Program...enjoy!

In cleaning class I was helping to clean out the storage room. We organized the Christmas decorations and put them in boxes. Karl put the boxes up high because I'm not that good at putting them up high. BETHANY

I cleaned out the Christmas stuff out of the storage room. We taped the Christmas tree box. We put all ththe Christmas decoration boxes up top until next year. KARL

I'm in the dance class. We played a music dance game. I made a dance move. it's good dancing. wow I am good at dance. ARIEL

I cooked spaghetti in cooking class. I added some cheese. I like putting chilli flakes on my pasta. It's spicy. KYLE

I am in pedestrian safety class . We went outside to look at signs . I found stop signs. CHARLIE

I am sitting in the chair for music class. I was playing music with Caitlin. She is nice. I want to play the guitar with her. I used the Easter egg shakers to make noise. Caitlin sang jingle bells for me because it is my favourite song! JULIA

Laila had music therapy with Caitlin who is taking over for Michaela . They had a great first day together!

We went shopping at the dollar store. It was good we were just getting stuff. After I got to look around. I looked at some books they were sweet! JAMIE

I took out this book because I like Indian food. This book had cooking recipes for Indian food. I am going to try and make something from it! Maybe some samosas because they are my favourite. NICOLE

I folded the laundry in cleaning program. CHRIS. C

Doug read some books in the common room during his free time.

I am making a new candle label. It is for lemongrass. I looked at pictures on the on the computer to get ideas. Then I drew it & coloured it. It looks beautiful, I worked so hard. TANYA

There was something that has changed in Go Studio. I saw the different things this week on Monday. There were different tables and chairs in the kitchen. There were garbage in the kitchen that was supposed to be put back where they used to be in. I thought it was going to be the same normally but the things that were different surprised me. SANGEON

Abbie worked hard cleaning all the iPads before we put on the new cases!

I was super flexible and went to Greens on Wednesday. I front faced the shelves. I like front facing because it helps the shoppers to see what they are buying. FRASER

Gabby went shopping at Save On Foods this week to get ingredients for cooking class and things for the program!

I have so much fun in ICT class. We use our iPads and write things for the newsletter. We write about things that happen at Pals. I like that we get to read out all our entires at the end of the day in the debrief. MELISSA

The autism dogs were back! This week we had a visit from Lloyd!

I had fun seeing Lloyd. He is a nice dog. I liked taking him outside for a walk. I held his leash. I like brushing him. He was very soft. KARL

I was rockin around with Lloyd! He was just so cute can we keep him!! He could be my friend and I would take care of him. JAMIE


This week has been so amazing.

When I say amazing, I mean blazing amazing!

Am I in a dream? I can't stop dazing.

Don't mind me I'll be over here gazing!


Q: What do you call a cat on ice?

A: One cool cat!

Have a great weekend!

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