Engineering Puzzle Project By Quentin Mullett

Why Are we doing this ?

A local office furniture manufacturing company throws away tens of thousands of scrap ¾” hardwood cubes that result from its furniture construction processes. The material is expensive, and the scrap represents a sizable loss of profit.

What are the constraints ?

  1. The puzzle must be fabricated from ¾″ hardwood cubes.
  2. The puzzle system must contain exactly five or more puzzle parts.
  3. Each individual puzzle part must consist of at least 3, but no more than six hardwood cubes that are permanently attached to each other.
  4. No two puzzle parts can be the same.
  5. The puzzle parts must assemble to form your design.
  6. Some puzzle parts should interlock.
  7. The puzzle should require high school students an average of 4 minutes to solve.
Each Part

The Cad Drawling

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