Ancient Egypt Compared to Modern Egypt What it looked like

Ancient Egypt compared to modern Egypt!

The pyramid of Giza, the Sphinx of Giza, and temples are what make ancient Egypt unique. Many think ancient Egypt looks the same as present-day Egypt, according to my studies it isn't. Sure it has the pyramids, the Sphinx, and the temples, but ancient Egypt had more than that. Ancient Egypt had irrigation systems, mud-brick houses, and farms. If you went back in time to ancient Egypt, I guarantee it would be different. Here is just one of the examples of people trying to recreate ancient Egypt. Present day Egypt is destroyed, all the temples, the Sphinx, and the pyramids are broken, in pieces.

Ancient Egypt was full of perfectly made pyramids and statues. It had mud-brick houses and the farms. In ancient Egypt, there were estates built for nobles and army commanders as well as elegant homes. Originally the Capitol was Memphis then changed to Thebes. Another important site was the Valley of the Kings which contained pharaohs' sarcaphigis.

In present day Egypt , there is sand everywhere. Houses are made of wood or stone. Farms aren't located in modern day Egypt. There are buildings and skyscrapers. Modern day transportation exists including cars, buses, bikes,etc. There is pollution in the air. The Capitol is Cairo.

What do they both have in common? They both still have the Sphinx as well as temples. They have the palaces. They have the pyramids. They have the Nile River. They also have sand. That's what Ancient Egypt and modern day Egypt have in common.

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Created with images by David Berkowitz - "Temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel, Egypt" • PublicDomainPictures - "egypt pyramid culture" • WikiImages - "sphinx gizeh egypt" • David Berkowitz - "Sphinx in Cairo, Egypt" • PixelAnarchy - "pyramid pyramids egypt" • John "Pathfinder" Lester - "Immersive Archeology - Aura Lily breathes life into the architecture and culture of Ancient Egypt" • John "Pathfinder" Lester - "Immersive Archeology - Aura Lily breathes life into into the architecture and culture of Ancient Egypt" • John "Pathfinder" Lester - "Immersive Archeology - Aura Lily breathes life into the architecture and culture of Ancient Egypt" • John "Pathfinder" Lester - "Immersive Archeology - Aura Lily breathes life into the architecture and culture of Ancient Egypt" • Simon - "egypt sphinx egyptians" • PublicDomainPictures - "egypt pyramid culture" • WikiImages - "sphinx gizeh egypt" • Simon - "egypt luxor karnak" • Gabriel GM - "Cairo, Egypt" • gloria_euyoque - "Abu Simbel, Egypt" • NadiaIsmailPhotography - "Alexandria by Day"

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