Raphael by: Isaiah Bowman-Jones


Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino grew up in Urbino, Italy and lived until his death in Rome, Italy. He was born on April 6 1483 and died on April 6 1520. This was the age of apprenticership so in his early age he was sent to Perugino to become his apprentice in 1504 this is when he began painting a series of Madonnas. In Rome from 1509 to 1511 he painted the "Room of the Signatura". In 1514 he was hired by Pope Julius II to be the chief architect. He received fame for his work on the Vatican

These are some of his more famous works, "The Marriage of the Virgin", the "Transfiguration" ,"The School of Athens" and "The Sistine Madonna"

Connection to the Renaissance

After his death in 1520 the movement that he started toward mannerism influenced painting styles in Italy advancing the Baroque period. Celebrated for the balanced and harmonious compositions of his "Madonnas".

Take away

One thing that we all can take away from Raphael as well as other people in the renaissance is that we should strive to be great in all areas of life.

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