Elements Of Design By Neve darby

The logo has lines in the middle, circles as shapes, the large mass of the graphics used sparingly give more emphasis on the text, the colors are white, red and orange and the texture has a smooth touch.
The logo does not have any lines, the shapes is a circle and gives the letters a smooth edge, the mass of the text is larger than the surrounding circle, the texture of the leaf makes it seem 3D because of the shading and the colors used are orange, dark blue, white and dark and light green.
This logo has two lines behind and in front of the text but they curve at the end, the overall shape is a circle and small stars, the mass is formed by the text 'NASA' being made a bit big, the texture is created by the layering of the text and shapes and finally the colors used are blue, white and red.
This logo has a few lines near the nose to bring more details to the face and make it more distinguishable as a tiger, the shapes used contribute to those of an actual tiger made up or circles but not actual shapes, there is no mass, texture is created by the shadows on the tiger and the placement of the colors and the colors used are white, orange and black.
This logo has lines which separate each layer of the logo, the shapes separated by the lines seem to be rectangles but the overall shape is an apple, there is not mass in this logo, texture is created by the use of layering different colors and the colors used are green, yellow, orange, red, purple, blue and black.

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