National Landmark Trip By aiden engelkes

Lincoln's Home is where Abaraham Lincoln lived until he was elected president with a four block neighborhood with restored homes surrounding Springfield.
Carlsbad Caverns is a huge site of houses that are the world's largest network of caves
The Underground Railroad and the Freedom Center. This is a 110 million dollar facility that honors the legacy of the underground railroad.
The historic core of Randolph Air Force Base, this area was established in the 1920's as a training field for military aviators.

Train Cost for Multiple Way Trip: A single Amtrak ticket can cost from $6 to $29 one-way, but it can be over $1,000 for long destinations and premium seats.

My Route


Created with images by tpsdave - "central park new york city road" • tpsdave - "abraham lincoln house home" • Glamour Schatz - "Carlsbad Caverns, NM"

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