Final Keegan Sullivan / B. Intro / December 9

Zentangle Design

Median: Sharpie

"Special K"

Wire Sculpture

Median: Wire

"The Shot"

Cut Canvas Design

Median: Canvas & construction paper


Color Scheme Pattern Painting

Median: canvas, paint, brushes

" Arrows "

Perspective Drawing

"Pink Hotel"

1. Where AND What did you use to complete the need for a “Rule of 3rds” emphasis in your drawing? Explain….this means more than two words!

I used the pedway as my object that was emphasized by the rule of thirds. The pedway crosses through the top left and top right intersections of interests.

2. List the 3 most obvious Elements of Design in your drawing. Explain how they are at work in your picture!!!

a. Line- Line is a very important aspect of my drawing. All of the objects in my drawing are composed of lines. My drawing includes vertical, diagonal, and horizontal lines.

b. Color- color is used in my drawing to create emphasis. All of my drawing is gray or black except for the pink pedway. This creates emphasis because it stands out. It draws the viewers attention to the pedway.

c. Value- value is seen in my drawing by the different lightness and darkness of grays. This is used to try to show where/how the sunlight is hitting the picture.

Analysis of Famous Art Image

Grandma Moses

" A Country Wedding" 1943

Point of Emphasis close up

I believe Grandma Moses made the bride and groom the point of emphasis. The bride and groom are located on the bottom right intersection of interest. The title is also "a country wedding". I think this would make people inclined to see the bride and groom while looking at the picture.

Elements that I see in this artwork are line and color. All of the people and trees are vertical lines. This gives the picture height and stability. Color plays an important role in the picture. The red bricks are complementary to all of the green grass, trees, and bushes. This gives the picture maximum visual contrast.

This picture is visually appealing. It is visually appealing because it has a good use of complimentary colors. It has green trees, grass, and bushes. Greens compliment is red. There is a red bricked building in the background. Looking at the picture gives me a warm and happy feeling because of the nice wedding that is going on. It is going on in a beutiful outdoor space. It also has a nice red bricked building in the background.

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