Agriculture Lily Bandy

The First Agricultural Revolution, also known as the Neolithic Revolution, is the transformation of human societies from hunting and gathering to farming. It started around 11,000 BC when humans began settling into single areas and began cultivating the land, planting crops, and raising animals. It changed the way humans live because animals were being tamed for easy meat and pets/companions.

Wheat was the first grown crop by humans.

The Second Agricultural Revolution was based on the greater use of technology. It occurred from 1700 to 1900 in developed countries. The Second Agricultural Revolution shifted the foundation of agriculture from the sun to a new reliance on fossil soil.

Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons that can be burned, producing significant amounts of energy per unit weight.

The Third Agricultural Revolution advanced in more intensive mechanization, or biotechnology. The revolution started in the 1970's and 1980's replacing farm jobs with mechanization. Mechanization is the use of agricultural machinery to make farming productivity easier and faster.

A combine harvester is a machine that harvests grain crops, near Fargo North Dakota.

A genetically modified organism (GMO) is a plant, animal, microorganism or other organisms that has been modified using recombinant DNA methods. They change farming because it's an unnatural way of modifying crops. On the cons side, GMO's pose a serious threat to farmer sovereignty and to the national food security. On the pro side, food with GMO's are less expensive and barely noticeable to it's consumers.

GMO sweet corn is genetically engineered to be herbicide resistant and produce it's own insecticide.

Subsistence farming is when farmers only grow enough food to feed themselves and their families, while sustainable farming is meant to protect the environment, public health, communities and animal welfare. Commercial farming is meant for commercial purposes, crops are grown for sale in the market.

FUN FACTS ON AGRICULTURE: 1.Soybeans are an important ingredient for the production of crayons, one acre of soybeans can produce 82,368 crayons. 2.Cows are herbivores, so they only have teeth on the bottom. 3.Raising beef cattle is the single largest segment of American agriculture. 4.The average dairy cow produces SEVEN GALLONS of milk per day!


Created with images by tpsdave - "germany vineyard field"

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