Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters By Rick riordan;revised by nathan haynes


This is a book about a brave teenager who goes on a quest for one of his friends. During this quest, he will have to make a lot of decisions. These decisions will determine his fate. This teenager is very brave because the journey that lies ahead is a long journey filled with terrifying monsters. Him and his crew will have to overcome these obstacles in order to complete their quest.


I loved reading this book. It was full of action and suspense. Some of the chapters in the book are very exciting. When I read this book, I found it very hard to put this book down. I read this book whenever I had a chance to because it was such a good book. I would recommend this book to anybody that has a passionĀ for mythical adventure books like me. I had a great time reading this book and I hope others will to.

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