New Tech By Zack Ballam

This is the Utopia of New Tech where everyone is more superior to humans called cybers

Our Motto is "Cybers are superior" because they are

This is our seal representing of the ruling MCP

Our Mission Statement is

"Technology is us, we will stop at nothing to keep enhancing our tech"

Our Rules Are...

1. Stay with the pod of 3 you are assigned too with the 3 different type of cybers

2. Do not steal

3. Do nothing to damage the boats that keep us living

4. Recharge only at designated points

5. No damaging fellow Cybers

6. Listen to the MCP

7. Do not modify extremities not already changed for you

8. Return to your home by 11 P.M.

9. Do not resist the law

10. Do not leave the community unless directly told by the MCP

We are located on a fleet of boats in international waters so we can make our own rules and not have to listen to national law

Our Schedule is...

7:00 Wake up

8:00 Receive instruction from MCP

9-11:00 Follow out instruction

12-3:30 Go to normal school/work

6-10:00 Free time

11:00 Required at home

12:00 Asleep

We are ruled by a monarchy our monarch is the MCP or Master Control Program we chose this because the MCP will always chose the best course of action

The requirements to live here are...

You need to pass the entry test

You need to be very clever

You need to be willing to lose a limb

Every Day here will be magical and you will never have to worry about things like hunger, war, politics, or where you have to live. Plus you will be able to see the world.

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