
Headmaster's Commendation Moments of excellence...

Even at this late stage in the year as we focus on Sports Day events and Swimming Galas, I am seeing outstanding work in the classroom.

I love creative preps, they allow us to find different ways to answer a problem...as an example, I had to learn to sew to get this idea completed!

Deveshu in Yr5 decided to bring a character to life in response to his English Prep. He chose Aslan and having found the picture, set about transforming this idea from 2D to 3D. He researched mask designs and printed net shapes from the internet.

Fabric was sourced, hopefully not from mum's favourite summer dress...and this needed to to be stretched together to really create the shape. Some gold paint followed and

Well done Deveshu, this is a stunning piece of work and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing how you sent about responding to the challenge.

Tim Calvey

Do your best to be your best...one of our core values

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