My Psychodynamic Self

As kids, my sister Maddy and I constantly wore matching clothes. Whether it was Halloween, Christmas, or an ordinary day at home, you could find us wearing identical outfits. Although in the pictures it doesn't show, I used to get so mad at my mom for making us wear the same thing. My id would often act out in frustration, hoping it would get my sister to change her outfit, but to my dismay it never happened.

Now that we are older, there are some days that we walk downstairs wearing the same outfit, or we are caught wearing each other's clothes. Every time this happens, we get frustrated with each other. This situation depicts Adler's belief that the tension between my sister and I that I felt as a child explains why there is still so much tension when we match outfits.

Being a girl, especially in today's society, I am able to relate to Karen Horney's experiences with having to fight back inequality and counter false assumptions regarding women. In recent events, I have learned how important it is for work towards equality for all people, and to stand up for what is humanely right.

Created By
Grace LaCamera

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