Boom to Bust By Marcus Black

Home Life

Many people’s home life got messed up. Especially the women. But, the wealthy people of America’s home life did not change. The women would go out all the time in the Twenties and had fun dancing and being flappers. In the Thirties, many women have to stay home and take care of the family. They also would have to cook. But, if the family no longer had a home they had to live in Hoovervilles and stand in line at soup kitchens. Another group that their home life was affected by the Great Depression were the African Americans. Their home life was already bad in the South.They had to live on the farmers, which they had a tough time doing. But, during the Great Depression it got worse. Blacks had to live in cramped apartments and still faced discrimination in the North.

People Just Sitting By the Radio

During the 1920s and 30s families would gather around the radio. But, during the 30s people went to the radio to escape their problems.

Many People Gather Around The Movie Theater

During the 1920s and 30s families go to the movie theater. But, during the 30s people went to the movie theater to escape their problems.

This Lady Is Having Trouble Taking Care of Her Kids

This lady was having trouble feeding and taking care of her kids. Many women were ditched by their husbands and had to take care of their children. They had trouble doing this.

These African Americans Are Living in Tight Quaters

Blacks have always been cramped together during the 20s as sharecroppers. They were also cramped during the 30s when the moved North.

These African Americans Are Moving North in a Cramped Car

These African Americans look to be very cramped as they move to the North. They moved North to find opportunities.

Leisure Time

Another aspect of life that was lessened was the people’s leisure time. The blacks, during the Twenties, had the Harlem Renaissance and had jazz music shows. They were having fun in the Twenties. On the other hand, in the Thirties people could not really afford to go to jazz shows anymore. The people could not go and the blacks cannot have as much fun. Women also had to cut down on things they did in their leisure time. In the Twenties, women had fun as flappers and would go out a lot. They would go out to speakeasies to have a drink. But during the Great Depression, women had to stay home and possibly hold jobs to help the family. Women would go out from time to time still, but they would go out to escape from their problems.

Louis Armstrong is One of the Most Famous Jazz Musicians

People all over the country loved jazz music. It was the new thing in the 1920s. Many young people would go out to see it.

Many People Come to the Baseball Game

Many people gathered around to see sporting events. Many people also wanted to see famous people like Babe Ruth. The people liked to spend their time like this.

FDR Is Hard At Work Creating Laws and Acts for the New Deal

During the 30s, FDR held fireside chats on the radio. Many people tuned in to hear what he had to say. He often told the people what he planned on doing to help the country. Many people enjoyed listening to him.

These Girls Enjoy Dancing

Many women during the 20s enjoyed going out and dancing. The women that danced were flappers.

This Women Cooks for her Family

During the 30s, on the other hand, women could not go out and dance. These women had to stay home and take care of the family.

These Men Had to Play in the Streets and not in Clubs

During the 20s, blacks flourished in the Harlem Renaissance. But, in the 30s people couldn't really go to the jazz shows so they were not doing as good.


The economy was affected very badly during the Great Depression. Banks were doing good during the Twenties and they gave out loans and invested in the stock market. At the time, the stock market was booming. But in the Great Depression, many banks closed because they ran out of money because the stock market crashed and banks lost money. Many business owners were making a lot of money in the 1920s, but they were not in the 1930s. Many businesses and industries were booming. The businesses were over producing and ended up with surpluses of their goods that they could not sell, therefore, the business lost money. When the businesses lost money they would have to close their doors. This caused many workers to be laid off.

The Stock Market is Very High in the 20s

Everyone and your dog is investing in the stock market. People thought that the stock market would continue to go up. But, they were wrong.

The Stock Market Took a Huge Dip Towards the end of the 20s

As you can see, the stock market seemed unstoppable and was very high. But, in 1929 the whole thing came to a fall.

These People are Probably Getting Money to Invest

Even banks were investing in the stock market. The banks also thought that the stock market would never go down.

Many Banks in the 30s Closed

Many banks like this one closed. The banks would run out of money.

In the 20s, This was a Typical Ad Campain

Companies sold many different items to the people. The people would buy these goods and the company would make money.

Warehouses Would Obtain Surpluses

The companies would overproduce these items and end up with a warehouse like this. The companies would lose money and not sell their goods.

Role Of Government

Finally, the role of government increased during the Great Depression. In the 1920s Hoover took a very hands off approach towards business and the people. The government was letting business do what they want. The three republican presidents in a row really let business do what they want. On the other hand, FDR was completely hands on. He passed many laws and acts to help the people.

The Government was Very Hands Off during the 20s

In the 1920s, the government took a hands off approach towards business. They somewhat let business do whatever they wanted.

FDR Putting in Work to Help the Country

In the 30s, FDR went full hands on. He passed many laws. He took control.

Many New Deal Prorgrams

FDR passed all of these government run programs to help out the people.

Crops in Flames

Many farmers in the 1930s had to burn their crops to up the price and get rid of surpluses. Also, the Agricultural Adjustment Act limited the production of crops.


The FDIC protects your money in banks. You are guaranteed to get the amount that is protected. This corporation was implemented buy FDR. This helped out the banks.

People’s home life, leisure time, the economy and the role of government changed during the Great Depression.

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