The Good Life Through Art Austin FUtch


Today I was able to visit the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art. This museum is home to many paintings, sculptures, statues, photographs and other pieces of art from around the world. There are areas of the museum dedicated to art from Asia, Africa, Latin America as well as the life and art of Frida Kahlo and, one I found very interesting, the Guerrilla Girls. I am excited to share my experience at the museum.

Medium of the Art

Ídolo (1958) Terracotta black glazed relief

This particular piece is one by cuban artist, Wilfredo Lam (1902-1982). Wilfredo Lam was known for creating art of simplicity while showcasing a richness of color. This particular piece I found very interesting because the form of the art is something I am extremely unfamiliar with. It looks almost as if a child drew a stick through the mud but I also perceive a sense of seriousness with this piece. The method of execution is beautiful in the sense that it seems so unorthodox and creative and I'm glad this piece caught my eye.

Design of the Museum

This particular section of the museum jumped out at me and I found it really nice and quaint. This is the Paula and Marsha Criser Garden which features the piece, Juchiteca de Pie by Francisco Zúñiga. The reason I think I liked this so much is because it was a nice little garden oasis in the middle of the museum. Although it is exposed to natural sunlight and there are earth elements (plants, rocks e.t.c.) in the garden, you are only able to enter the garden through the inside of the museum. The garden is small and enclosed on four sides by the outer walls of the museum and a glass wall that allows for viewing and a door to enter and exit the garden. I thought it was a nice tough to make the garden seem exclusive and special by positioning it where it was within the museum.

Art and Core Values

This area in the museum made me really happy. I consider myself to be someone who is very 'down-to-earth' and I make an effort to show that in my everyday life. I think the reason the garden resonated with me is because I can relate to its purity and beauty surrounded by the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The garden I think was placed as a metaphor to remind people to remain true to the inner beauty within themselves even when we're caught up in the crazy whirlwind of everyday life, school and work. We move through life so fast sometimes that I think we can easily forget what really matters. We forget to take a step back and appreciate what we have in front of us and I think this garden helped in allowing me to reflect on those thoughts in the middle of UF's campus.

Art and the Good Life

When I walked into the museum and saw an exhibit dedicated entirely to Frida Kahlo I was immediately drawn in and excited. Frida Kahlo is one of my favorite artists and I was really happy to see such a beautiful exhibit dedicated to her life and work. The reason why I like Frida Kahlo so much is because she was able to live the good life despite all the odds she was faced with. She suffered a major spinal injury and a very tragic accident and was constantly told she wasn't good enough and was disrespected because she didn't fit society's beauty standards. However, she let none of the obstacles she faced define her or the art that she creates and I think that everyone in pursuit of the good life can take a queue from that. No matter what we are forced to overcome we need to remember not to let anything stop us in our pursuit of the good life.

Created By
Austin Futch

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