Winter Break taylor johnson

over my winter break I did a lot you could say, I spent most of my time with my friends always doing stupid things. For the holidays Christmas and New years. I spent with my family. I spent most of my break running around to my friends houses and mine. Also ocotillo wells.

Sun Valley Idaho

On Christmas morning my Grandparents were supposed to come and surprise us. They were supposed to drive down from Idaho. But on the morning of Christmas eve my Grandma called saying that they couldn't come because my Grandfather had gotten sick. That was the end of seeing my Grandparents until summer.

Ocotillo wells

For New Years I went to ocotillo wells. I went with my moms boyfriend Nathan he has 3 daughters his oldest named maddie she is 15, his middle child named hayley 12 years old, and his youngest daughter bella 5. My brother jamison 17, and my sister kiley 11. We went to a different camp across ours. The adults brought their christmas trees and a whole bunch of wood to burn they even put a couch. They piled everything together all the wood,couch, paper and just a whole bunch of things. The pile got so big it was about 14ft tall. It was a cold night we all cuddled up together and counted down. 5..4..3..2..1 they threw a match onto the pile. BAM! the whole thing caught on fire. We all laughed and cheered. Cracking jokes saying "first joke of 2017." We didn't go back to our camp until 2:30 in the morning. A few days later we packed up the rhino, all the quads, extra food everything that we brought. two hours later we were home, and I spent the rest of my break with my best friends leila, and kealani.

Created By
taylor johnson


Created with images by mypubliclands - "Hummingbird Springs Wilderness" • Chloé François - "Blustery Blue Heavans" • jayKayEss - "_IGP7788.jpg"

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