Housings For The Homeless By Tyler, Tyler, Frankie, and Mateusz

Our Mission

The money donated is used to buy the necessary materials to make mini house neighborhoods where homeless people can live. Homeless people are hired to build it and they get to live in it. Sometimes churches are opened for the homeless in case they don’t have anywhere else to go or they don’t build their homes wherever in different areas in the streets or places where they would live.

This is representing the amount of people per year in NYC homeless shelters.

Our Mission Statement

Make neighborhoods of tiny houses and to provide shelter and necessary needs for the homeless people.


Homelessness is a major issue in big cities throughout America, as there are 564,708 people that are homeless, and they have virtually no way of becoming non-homeless. The homeless folk are also at risk of turning to drugs for help with their problems, which can put them in jail and/or ruin their life even more. Homeless doesn’t also mean jobless. Many homeless people have jobs, but the jobs don’t pay enough to get off the streets or out of their cars. Homeless shelters in cities only open at a certain temperature so they are at risk of getting hypothermia.


Why This Issue Needs Proper Attention

On a single night in January 2017, there were 564,708 people experiencing homelessness in the United States, and 32% of those were unsheltered.

Health problem: Most homeless live outside. They lack health care and access to medication to treat illness as well as a poor diet and harsh living conditions which increase their chances of obtaining illness. In many cities, homeless shelters don't open up until it drops to a certain temperature. Many of the cities require the temperature to be below 32 degrees. Hypothermia can set in between 32 and 50 degrees, so the homeless people are at risk of getting a very serious condition and possibly dying from it.

Economic problem: Because the homeless lack shelter they use public resources which decreases rather than increases a community's income. Without the homeless having money or houses, the economy takes a hit. If companies can hire more homeless people, they can get jobs and get paid, which if they can get enough, they can start to rent or buy houses, cars, etc. When they have the money to buy these products, the economy can grow and become bigger and better.

Tragedy: People are living under bridges and in tents leaving them open to harsh weather and violence this takes away both their dignity and our collective respect for them. When you are exposed to a lot of people doing drugs, more often than not you're going to start doing drugs too. This can lead to a very strong addiction and possibly jail time.


Tiny houses are relatively inexpensive compared to building a bunch of big homeless shelters. Tiny houses cost, on average $20,000. To build 4 150 bed homeless shelters, it will cost about $40 million, or $10 million each. If we build 150 tiny houses, it will cost about $3 million, which is way less than the big shelters. Plus, the tiny houses look a lot more appealing than the big buildings of sadness known as homeless shelters.



Doak, Melissa J. "Dealing with the Problem of Homelessness." Social Welfare: Fighting Poverty and Homelessness, 2009 ed., Gale, 2009, pp. 111-119. Information Plus Reference Series.

Gale Virtual Reference Library, go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?p=GVRL&sw=w&u=huntley&v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE%7CCX1335700012&asid=ccf19f10b38a5390518ffb98b2160035. Accessed 10 Mar. 2017.

M. (2013, December 05). Facts on Homelessness. Retrieved March 16, 2017, from https://projecthome.org/about/facts-homelessness

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