Digital Citizenship by Tatiana Alba

This word cloud represents Digital law. The definition of Digital law is being respectful and ethical while online. There are laws against things like hacking, illegal downloading, and cyber bullying. Digital law are rules that an online community should abide by. I made this on
This represents Digital Access. Digital Access is electronic participation in society or the ability to use electronics. In some areas of the world people have little to no digital access , while in a place like the U.S. there is full digital access for most people. I made this on google drawing and the images were found via google images.

This is a video for an add on cyber Monday. This represents Digital Commerce which has to do with the buying and selling of products online. Cyber Monday is one of the largest online shopping days.

This picture represents Digital Communication. Digital Communication is the exchange of information through electronic devices. This represents an idea of communication before and some difficulties that might have happened, and the easy communication that we have today. I made this "meme" on google drawing and I got the images from google search.
This represents Digital Literacy which is the learning and exchange of information about technology. I got this picture from the search engine on adobe spark.
This represents Digital Etiquette which is a basic set of rules one should follow in order to make the Internet better for oneself and others. I made this using

This represents Digital Health and Wellness. That is the physical and psychological well being of a person in the digital world. In the movie Cyberbully the main character struggles with her own psychological well being because of things going on on a social media website. I got this video from youtube

This represents Digital Security which is precautions to guarantee safety while online. I found this picture using the Adobe Spark search engine.
This is a collage that represents Digital Rights and Responsibilities. That is the freedoms we receive on a digital community. I made this using google drawing.


Created with images by TanteTati - "flowers bush spring" • sandraschoen - "Interface of a Authoring Tools" • pixelcreatures - "security protection anti virus"

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