JNT Casual Italian Dining

Mission Statement

We strive for the highest quality dining experience and ambience

At our Italian restaurant, you will find friendly staff and dedicated chefs waiting to share our authentic Italian recipes with you. Whether you choose to sit at an intimate table, hang out at the full bar or just enjoy an evening on the patio with family or friends, JNT is always ready to have you over to enjoy the cherished tastes of Italy right here in Long Beach.

At JNT's only the freshest ingredients are cooked for you!

Now open for Lunch and Dinner.

There we go again, bringing Italy to Long Beach. Italian food paired with the right Italian wines brings out the best in both.

Authentic Italian Food. An Italian experience in Long Beach. From the comfortable Italian plaza atmosphere to the authentic Italian food, JNT's knows Italian.

Catering? Don't worry, we you covered.

Having us bring Italy to you is much easier than taking your party in Italy. JNT's offers catering for any size party.

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