Katherine Dunham By: micah Nelson and kyler wilkes

Katherine Dunham

Katherine Dunham was born in Illinois. She was four years old when her mother died. She worked at Illinois University. She was a journalist and an anthropologist. Her life's goal was to combine dancing and anthropology.

She transformed the world of dance by creating the Dunham Technique. She raised awareness for understanding black tradition. She helped stop segregation. She influenced some of America's modern dance. She also opened up an Illinois dance academy.

Her mother died at an early age. Katherine's dad suffered after the death of his wife. His new relationship became violent and abusive. Katherine had a divorce with her first husband. Her second husband died while they were still married.

Katherine Dunham was born June 22,1909. Her mom died in 1913 while Katherine was 4 years old. She divorced with her first husband ,Jordis, in 1938. She married her second husband, Pratt, in 1941. Pratt died in 1986. She conducted a hunger strike in 1992. In 1930 she used black dance rituals in her dances. She performed dances at the super club in 1953. Katherine Dunham die on May 21, 2006.


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