BOOM TO BUST BY: Kayla Nixon


During the time of the Great Depression, people throughout the United States were hit hard in the aspects of economy, role of government, leisure time, and home life. Three groups that were affected by the Great Depression were farmers and bankers.

All throughout the 1920s, farmers were suffering, since their products were not selling. Thus, leaving them with loads of surpluses.The rural American economy was in distress in the 1920s. Americans bought on margin and gave their savings to the banks so no one had any money to buy farm products and the agricultural economy suffered greatly. Farmers, unlike most Americans, did not buy on margin or credit. To buy on margin meant getting the product now and paying later, monthly. Additionally, they did not invest in the stock market, so most of farmers did not even know that the Great Depression was going on since they were all ready in a hole of despair. After the wicked Dust Bowl in 1930, their land was destroyed and left them with nothing. With no land to farm on and no money, many farms were foreclosed. Banks were also affected by the aspect of economy, Americans gave their live savings to banks to hold on to. Little did people know, banks give loans to other people with their money. Banks were going wild in the 1920s, giving loans to anyone who asked. When the stock market crashed, people ran to the banks to take their savings out so, they were not totally broke. This did not end the way banks or the people wanted; the banks were in debt because of all the loans they gave out so, they did not have everyone’s savings. As a result, America was left in an economic crisis.

With the U.S Government stepping away from laissez faire and stepping up for the people, they aided for the people and gave them some hope. After the Dust Bowl, farmers were left with nothing, but dust and sand everywhere. Their crops, tools, barns, and livestock were worth nothing afterwards. The government stepped and gave farmers some new livestock and products to get them going at least a bit. Also, many men took government jobs building roads and bridges. As for the banks, the government put forth a bank holiday which meant, banks were closed for three days to be reformed. The help from government aided some banks and they became more responsible and careful with money.

No matter what times were like, people always found time to take a break once and awhile. People would go to the banks to get any money they could get and do some form of entertainment to please themselves. Banks were be jammed packed with everyone wanting their savings or any money they could get. They used entertainment as their getaway. Children of farmers worked on the farms to help their family in their free time and also listened to the radio as well as other Americans during the Great Depression.

Home was where the heart was and where people would stay with their family at any time. Women were the care giver of all homes and also had jobs. Men took care of most of the money. As the Dust Bowl devoured farmers land, many fled to California for a new life, While some found success, others did not and went on foot to many farms looking for jobs with having the unemployment rate at a high of twenty five percent. Banks only gave some people help; when or if families received some of their savings, they would eat little with no real homemade meal and huddle together playing games and or listening to radio. Banks and Government tried to help as much as they could to give people their money so they could keep some home traditions.

In conclusion, the Great Depression took a huge tool on everyone in America. WIth the loads of debt and everything going wrong, the odds were against the people and it seemed there was no hope. Americans like bankers and farmers were harshly hit by each aspect of society, economy, home life, role of government, and leisure time.

Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow Kids!

People danced till their feet fell off in the clubs and lived in the moment.

Buy Now! Worry About Paying later!

To stay with the trends, people who did not have enough money to buy the new clothes or appliances bought on margin so they could just pay later.

The Best of The Best!

Everyone needed the new appliances that their eyes caught on convincing ads In 1920s.

Wish We Could Eat That Dandy Candy!

Kids stand outside a store hopelessly for anything they could get their hands on during the Great Depression.

Radio Became A Getaway

Families sit around listening to the radio sometimes gaining hope from Roosevelt.

No Way You Are Digging Yourself Out Of This One

The Dust Bowl hit farmers hard and Left them with broken belongings buried by the dust.

Businesses Begin to Shut Down

With no hope and money, business begin to have to resort to closing down.

Farmers Turning Away From Their Beloved Farms

The aftermath of the Dust Bowl left farmers with nothing and hopeless. They resolved in trying to sell their farms and moving to California.

We Gave You Our Savings to Safe Them!

After stock market crash, people rused to banks to check out their Savings. People did not understand that Banks gave loans with their money to other people so, they don't have Everyone’s money.

Work Together In This Cold Weather

Places began to give free food and drinks to people in need which was many during the Great Depression. It was not a lot given, but it was enough to hold people over to the next day.

A Spark Of Hope

Roosevelt gave the people hope, He connected to each and every one of them and made them feel there is time to fix all of this even we stick together and not give up.

People Out Looking For Jobs Each And Every Day

People searched everyday for any decent job that could put some food on the table.

Can We Live Like Movie Stars?

People always found time for a movie night at least once a week. Although, during the Depression it was hard, people managed to watch a movie and escape the Great Depression.

Long Reign Hoover’s Failure

In the name of Hoover, Hoovervilles were made outside of cities and the people living there had to “make do” by making Houses out of any scraps they could find. This represented Hoover’s Failure.

Farmers On The Move

After Dust Bowl, farmers went on foot to different farms to try to get work and traveled to California where it was not as great as it seemed.

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