GTD2 Urban Planning Project Emma Wethington

Types of Land Use in Cities

  • Residential
  • Industrial
  • Recreational
  • Commercial
  • Institutional
  • Transportation

Residential Buildings - Single-Family Home, Condominium, Multi-Family Home, apartments, Tiny House, Trump Tower, town houses.

Commercial Buildings - Stores, Shopping Malls, Office Buildings, Restaurants, Hotels, Convenience stores, gas stations, boathouse

Transportation - Buses, Subway, Cars,

Institutional - Courthouse, Hospital, Embassy, Fire Station, Police Station, Schools, Post Office, White House

Recreational Buildings: Parks, Church, Soccer Field, Swimming Pool, community gym

Industrial - micro-brewery, power plant, factories, warehouses


We started sketching out where we want things to go in our city. Our first attempt wasn't very good. We quickly realized sectioning things off into 'Institutional Land' or 'Residential Land' wasn't a very practical. So, we redrew it. We have all of the different sections together so things weren't so far apart.


This week we started in minecraft. We picked an island that we felt was best for our layout. We started by flattening out the land. I am now working on building the hospital.


This week I continued working on the hospital. The bottom floor is the welcome area. It has a front desk, chairs for the waiting room, and a separate room with books and a table. The second floor has hospital rooms with beds for patients. The third floor has an x-ray room and a surgery room. The top floor has a helicopter pad.

We now have a train station, a tower, a church and cemetery, a boat house and a microbrewery.


We started putting in roads and we outlined land and marked it as different buildings.


I have been responsible for building the hospital, hotel, majority of the strip mall, and i put flowers down around most of the buildings.

Scenario 1

A neighboring city is going through drought and famine. To help the city we are going to give them water from the river or from the grocery store. We can give them some food from the farm. It will be transported by train.

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