do you lash? #lashesbynee

BEAUTY begins with the eye.

Let's enhance the "WOW" of your eyes.

My focus as your lash artist is to enhance your natural beauty, not overpower it. Mastering the skill of being able to artfully shape your lashes allows me to do just that.


Every winning sports team has a game plan, every successful lash artist should have a lash map. A lash map is achieved through a methodical technique that can help me add texture and density to your lashes. It is a tool I can use time and time again to help remember the length and location of your desired lash look. This is the most important part of customizing your desired look, to your life style.


A service that has been around for over 30 years, is presently gaining popularity all over the world


Created with images by Nithi clicks - "Human "I" in Closeup" • Photos by Lina - "backlash" • KGold2012 - "real eyes, realize, real lies"

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