Japan By Ploy

Sapporo is perfect to ski. Sapporo have a tall tower. It takes 60 seconds to start from the bottom to the top. It’s very good to take a photo because it’s very beautiful. It have a clock for us to see and it’s beautiful. In Sapporo there are 130 hotels. All the hotels are very beautiful. Sapporo have 4 seasons. Sapporo have summer, spring, autumn and winter. When it is summer, Japan comes to 30 degrees Celsius. And it’s very dry.

Sapporo Tower

When we make a sushi, we need Step 1 and Step 2.First make rice by vinegar, sugar and salt. Then carefully separate the rice. After that leave a little space between the rice grain. Finally you make sushi. First, put seaweed on the bottom and put the rice on top. Then put veggies inside. Roll the seaweed. After that, serve it to people.


In Sapporo city there is a place called Cross Hotel and in Otaru city there is a place called Kiroro Hotel. Cross Hotel is taller than Kiroro Hotel and has 21 floors. Kiroro Hotel are bigger than Cross Hotel. On the other hand, the Kiroro Hotel has snow in the winter where you can ride a sled and ski. Many people come and stay for no more than 10 days because it is very expensive.

Kiroro hotel skiing


Created with images by shell_ghostcage - "japan landscape spring" • m-takagi - "DSC00084" • Meditations - "asian black chinese" • eyeonjapan.com - "Top of mountain near Piano Hotel in Kiroro"

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