Sam Sheppard Case July 4th, 1954

Sheppard Family Photo

Summary of Murder: On July 4th, 1954 around 3:00-4:00 A.M. Marilyn Sheppard was brutally murdered at home in her bed. Soon after the reported murder, her husband, Sam Sheppard was a sure suspect. He is soon taken in for questioning and then taken to court. He is found guilty in court, says he's innocent, and taken to jail. He is released on bail, and then the coroner soon finds blood on the crime scene that doesn't belong to neither Sam or Marilyn. Robert Eberling is now the convicted murderer and Sam is taken to a retrial and found innocent. He dies soon after from cancer.

Crime Scene Photos

Contribution + Analysis: The way the crime scene investigators analyzed the evidence was interesting. They addressed how the Sheppard's dog did not bark and wake Sam up, there was a lack of forced entry into the home, and Sam's fingerprint was found on his wife's headboard - no other finger prints were found in the room. This contributes to modern day forensics in the aspect of fingerprinting analysis and the photo's used throughout the process. It gave an insight on things people don't usually look for.

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