Every Nation Campus Change the campus. change the world.

New year just started and we already have a lot of campus works, truly, God is the Lord of the harvest. And indeed, we are privilege to ca-labor in His vineyard, advance His kingdom in the campuses and raise the future leaders - our NEXT GENERATION.

Ronald Valerio of Victory Dagupan now is at the School of Campus Ministry for 3 months to be equipped and empowered to do the work of campus ministry at Dagupan City National High School - his campus assignment. We shared the gospel to him 5 years ago while he was still a student. He graduated Cum Laude, and later on after working on the secular, 2015 decided to be a fullt-ime campus missionary.

Through your partnership we are able to reached-out someone like Ronald, and until today, we are able to also partner with him and send him to the mission field.

The whole campus ministry of Pangasinan had God Test training - this training was designed to empower the student leaders in evangelism.

After the training, all the leader were activated to evangelize and share the gospel to their campuses and friends. In just one week, Every Nation Campus Pangasinan have shared the gospel to about 700+ students and 680 got saved.

Students from campuses of San Carlos Pangasinan experience the gospel as our student leaders are fired-up to evangelize.
Our student leaders at Alaminos Pangasinan passionately sharing the gospel through God Test.
Our passionate leaders at Pangasinan State University Urdaneta. In just 3 days, we are able to share the gospel to 72 students who received Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
Panpacific University of Northern Philippines (PUNP) are Lyceum Northern Luzon (LNL) are our new campus assignment and we had the opportunity to share the gospel to them. After sharing the GOD Test we also had the opportunity to invite and start a discipleship group the same week.

Last January 27, we had a great opportunity to train all the students leaders - Mechanical Engineering of different schools Pangasinan like Lyceum, Pangasinan State University, University of Luzon, and Urdaneta City University. .

About 400 student leaders attended the training and we had a great opportunity to equip them about Servant-Leadership and Character having Jesus as the model.

Started our February Series this week, and it is truly a great opportunity to preach on "Love is Real" - our series title, to preach the love of Jesus which can truly satisfy us amidst the culture of our young people where they are blinded with LOVE and tend to search love to different relationships.

During our youth service, 31 students received Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

We also have an open door at Panpacific University Northern Philippines Tayug as we talked to the owner of the school last January 20 and is open for us to conduct Leadership training and do discipleship.

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. 2Corinthians 9:8 NLT
Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. Philippians 1:3-5 NLT

Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership. Let's continue to be partners in the kingdom of God as we reach the campuses, because we are #BETTERTOGETHER.


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