Harn Museum CJ McWilliams

This was my first time at the Harn Museum but not my first time at any museum. I was amazed with art that was placed throughout the building. The lighting flowed well throughout the exhibit and I like the how the exhibit had their own room set up. Overall, I really enjoyed my time there and looking forward going back again.

The type of medium I chose was a statue figure. This statue figure was titled Seated Figure by John Storrs and was created in 1927. Analyzing this art work in person allowed me to pay attention to the details such as the lines, size, curves, and color. Had I seen this in a book, I would not noticed the details that went into this piece. I chose this piece because of the 3D body that this art work had. I appreciate the female figure and I think a female body is beautiful and that what drew me to this piece.

The exhibit I chose was Frida Kahlo. She is considered to be the most photographed woman in her generation. She was not shy in front of the camera. This exhibit had many photos of her displayed in this exhibit. This entire exhibit is made up of photographs only and the set up of the photos were grouped in threes. The lighting was perfectly set up to make the pictures stand out so the viewer can see the details in the photos. The photos were spread out enough to allow viewers to focus on each photo separately. I was drawn to this exhibit because of the woman presence. I could that she was a gorgeous women who represented a strong independent person.

The core value that is most important to me is hardworking. The painting I chose is called Woodcutter by Robert Gwathmey done in 1945. This painting reminds me of slavery and the difficult working conditions that African Americans had to go through in the past. This picture shows hard work and dedication that this group of people would do on the daily basis. The emotion that I have seeing this painting is struggle and pain of what the African American community went through. I believe that African Americans are strong and resilient group that persevere through anything with hard work.

This painting is titledTokyo Street with Pachinko Parlor 2 done in 1985 by Yvonne Jacquette. This painting in my opinion represents thinking because a city has numerous cultures and diversity of thoughts. A person being introduced to different cultures allows them to gain knowledge and different experiences that leads to making more informed decisions.

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