Bone Book2 By trey downing


  • Fone Bone
  • Tom
  • Smiley Bone
  • Phoney Bone
  • Rat Creatures
  • Randolf
  • Abbey
  • Joey
  • A1
  • Thorn Harvester


They go all over the world because they're saving the entire earth


The plot is they're all traveling the world to try to save it from dragons and rat creatures and other monsters but they come past some troubles on the way. For example: people get injured,lost, or maybe even die on the way.

My opinion

I really enjoyed this book. I've enjoyed all of the bone books. I've been reading all of them since third grade. But I highly recommend this one.


Bone book 1 and book 2 have more differences than similarities. They both had mostly the same characters. Phoney Bone was still in the book, but wasn't the most important character. The setting was different in both. The first one was outside of Boneville, the second one was all over the world.


By: Trey Downing

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