
michael costantino baritone / ux architect / jester

Costantino gets an A+ on all aspects of the Lord Chancellor. He is articulate, smart, and always in touch with his presentation. The guy never misses a beat.
Tonio in Pagliacci, and The Judge in Trial by Jury with Taconic Opera.
Mr. Costantino’s vocals wowed the audience on opening weekend. (Lancelot)

As the opera opens, a thin figure stretches out his arm in an agony of impatience. The pose is held through long orchestral measures. The tension vibrates.

Characterization is often difficult for singers. Young performers are careful with the voice, happily profilgate with its glorious sounds and unwilling to experiment with deviations from the bel canto ideal.

This company had no such inhibitions. Fully capable of performing the flowing Donizetti lines, the voices were equally comfortable being raucous, imperious or anguished. This takes both courage and intelligence, qualities that this cast has in full measure.

Michael Costantino was excellent in the leading role. His Pasquale was a knot of desire and frustration, collapsing on the floor in humiliation, comically raging at the mounting pile of extravagances.

  • Mr. Costantino is a capable singer and an inspired scene-stealer. (Colline)
  • Costantino... was the hit of the evening. (Papageno)
  • Sly, but charming, Costantino handled the role with obvious skill. (Malatesta)

Toucha Toucha Toucha, Touch Me

Delta relaunched its homepage and you know what They did a great job. It’s incredibly clean, very simple... (CrankyFlier.com)

  • New Delta Airlines website is a model of simplicity! Great stuff (@mikaelhuynh)
  • Really liking @Delta’s new homepage design (@LeftyDesigner)
  • I’m totally impressed by the new Delta.com (@mhogenmiller)
  • Ooooh. I reaaaaaally like the new Delta website design (@lenesc)

Take a look at me on LinkedIn... read a recommendation or two.

a cappella... for years and years

Take a Hike!
Don’t take things tooooo seriously.

michael dot costantino at gmail dot com

Finally, if you are looking for "ye olde papageno.com site"...

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