How to reduce disease By:Amy Castro

Eat healthier

Eat a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, and lean sources of protein by doing this your immune system will be healthier and you will be able to fight diseases off faster.

Stay Physically Active

Regular physical activity strengthens the heart and lungs, and helps the body systems work better.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Keep your weight within the recommended range for your gender, age. height, body frame.

Get enough sleep

Deprived sleep could trigger disease so getting enough sleep each day is important to maintain a healthy life

Manage Stress

Many studies show that stress can take a toll on the heart try to manage your stress the best you can or get someone's help.

Avoid Drugs

Avoid drugs this could make your risk of disease higher so don't take the risk, you'll have a happier life if you don't


Created with images by Moyan_Brenn - "Sleeping cat" • Carmela Nava - "happy"

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