Hanging Up the Uniform for Classes By: Brittany Atkinson

Military members have fought for our country; they deserve whatever help we are able to give them.

As a veteran, I know how hard it can be to transition from the military to college. I personally feel that we deserve as much help as we can get with this difficult transition. I believe the best way to help a prior service member would be mentoring from a fellow veteran.

When fighting in various wars, some have lost their limbs or have become disabled. This can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.

Coming out of the military, you may end up with PTSD from war, and might need to take many medications. Transitioning from a military lifestyle to college can be difficult, especially when you are so much older than your peers, This can make you feel very lonely.

Being a mentor can help change peoples lives for the better!

Transitions can be hard, but having a mentor by your side can change your outlook on life. Mentors are there to help you in the best and worst of times. Let's make a change in the world for veterans!

Created By
Brittany Atkinson


Created with images by 931527 - "disabled handicap wheelchair" • DariuszSankowski - "war desert guns" • DariuszSankowski - "war desert guns" • D.C.Atty - "lotsa pills" • robertsharp - "Lonely Guy" • Wokandapix - "lonely hiding sad"

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