Bond Issue 2017

Have you looked around our community lately? We are growing by leaps and bounds. Businesses are moving into our area with many more planned. Our neighborhoods are expanding and those homes are filled with children enrolling in our school. At Glenpool Public Schools we are preparing for the future of Glenpool students.

A bond issue committee, consisting of teachers, administrators, Board members, and community members has been meeting over the past year to discuss and plan for the upcoming issue. On March 7, district voters will be asked to vote on two issues totaling $16,500,500 for Glenpool Public Schools with a slight increase in property taxes.

Purchase of land for a new school site.

Construction of the new lower elementary school with a safe room for pre-school and kindergarten students.

Purchase of real property of the TCC building in Glenpool for high school classes and school offices.

Cafeteria and kitchen facilities at the middle school will be remodeled.

Construction of new high school classrooms in the Varsity Building.

Safety and security improvements will be made throughout the district.

Purchase technology equipment, student devices, and make technology improvements across the district.

Maintenance improvements such as roof repairs, HVAC replacements, and parking lot improvements will be made at all school sites.

Fine arts uniforms and equipment will purchased.

Necessary furniture, fixtures, and equipment will be purchased for use district-wide.

A food service truck will be purchased to transport food from the kitchens to student cafeterias.

Purchase four new school buses.

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