Cut by: Patricia McCormick Kailyn Evans

Cut is a novel that tells of a young girl's journey overcoming self-harm.

The author of this book, Patricia McCormick, was once named a New York Foundation on the Arts Fellow in 2004. She is a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and currently lives in Manhattan. In 2009 she was named the winner of the 2009 German Peace Prize for Youth Literature. Patricia spent three years researching and writing her first novel, Cut. She is also the author of the National Book Award finalist Sold, as well as Purple Heart and My Brother's Keeper.

One theme in this book is Depression. Callie struggles with depression throughout this book and tries to figure out ways to deal with it.

Another theme in this book is Treatment. In order to overcome Callie's disorder, she must go to treatment.

A third theme in this book is Self Harm. Callie self-harms to help distract from the depression she is experiencing.

Below is a link to a review of the book.

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