🌪Jullie🌊 Hurricanes

These are the names of all the hurricanes

Hurricanes can be very destructive to your home

Hurricanes can cause a flood in you neighborhood

Hurricanes can come in any size

Hurricanes can flood city's and towns

Hurricanes can destroy your home and lots of people get hurt and some die💀

WHY ARE HURRICANES NAMED. Well hurricanes occur every year and sometimes two or three hurricanes can be active at the same time using names for these storms makes it much easier for meteorologists researchers emergency response workers ship captains and citizens to communicate about specific hurricanes and be clearly understood.

Hurricanes are very dangerous if you're out in the ocean the waves would be to strong if the waves are strong enough it could flip over your boat and you could drown and DIE💀
Part 1 Hurricanes are giant spiraling tropical storms that can pick up wind speeds of over 160 (miles kilometers) an hour and unleash more than 2.4 trillion gallons (9 trillion liters) of rain a day. These same tropical storms are known as cyclones in the northern--
Part 2 Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal.And as typhoons in the western Pacific Ocean. Fin~
The most destructive in the Philippines
The most destructive cyclone in the us


Created with images by tpsdave - "key west florida hurricane" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Hurricane Irene Makes Landfall in North Carolina"

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