Nairboi,Kenya: BY: rhea kakkad, Sydney whitley, Kayla west

Nairboi the largest city between Cairo, Egypt, in north Africa, and Johannesburg, and South Africa.
2)The region of Africa our country is located is Savanna. The Savanna biome has a very wet/dry climate.
3)The crop we chose to survive is tomatoes. We thought this would be a good crop to sustain our families because of many reason that we say in the paragraph.

Paragraph: We choose tomatoes because it is the best crop to grow for many different beneficial reasons such as the different vitamin sources, which include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B-6. It takes at least 30 to 45 days to grow this crop. Tomatoes would also be a good crop to grow because there are only 22 calories, 0% of Cholesterol, 0% of sodium and 1.1% of protein in 1 tomato. In order to grow our healthy tomatoes we will need tons of water, which should not be hard since Kenya, which is in the Savanna, is filled with clean fresh water to drink and plant crops. We will also need lots of land with grassland around the crop, and healthy soil. In a family of four, the family should get about 20 tomatoes per person each day. Did you know that Kenya already has some tomatoes from the tamarillo plants. This is why tomatoes are the best crop to support a family.

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