My Favorite Saint By: lOgan paolillo

St. Anthony of Padua

Saint Anthony of Padua was born on June 13, 1195 and died June 13, 1231

Saint Anthony of Padua is the patron saint of lost or stolen items, the poor, and travelers because he lost himself completely to the providence of God. St. Anthony is a perfect example of turning your life completely over to Christ.

St. Anthony's teaching was so simple that even those who are uneducated could interpret the true meaning and because of this he was Declared doctor of the church in 1946

Fun Facts

Saint Anthony was born Fernando Martins in Portugal into a very wealthy lifestyle which he would eventually give up to be a servant of God.

When he was only fifteen years old he asked to be sent to Abbey of Santa Cruz in Coimbra and while he was in Abbey he acquired how to speak Latin and theology.

When he heard news of Franciscan friars that settled a hermitage dedicated to Saint Anthony, he wanted to leave and join them and eventually with permission he joined the Franciscan order and changed his name to Anthony.

The Miracle Sermon

Once St. Anthony was trying to spread the good news and educate catholic heretics but he could not get them to believe so St. Anthony went and taught his message to fish and when more and more fish came the people began to realize he should be listened to.

St. Anthony is often shown with the baby Jesus because of an event that occurred when all of the sudden while in one of the hermit cells of a castle Jesus appeared to him as a child
Oh Lord, through the intercession of St. Anthony I pray that he intercedes for us all in finding our lost selves and belongings and turning to God and trusting him and his graces. Amen.

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I have neither given nor received unauthorized help on this work Logan Paolillo

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