Covenant Keeping a Promise

Weekly Study Guide

In order to dive deeper into the message throughout the week below are 5 scripture passages to reflect upon in your own time.

Monday: Matthew 18:15-20 - Ask yourself: What has happened to me within my church family that has hurt me? What steps have I taken to repair this relationship? Did I trust that God was with me during this time?

Tuesday: Luke 24:28-35 - Ask yourself: When was the last time my heart was “set ablaze” for Christ within the community of the church?

Wednesday: Matthew 7:24-27 - Ask yourself: How is my church family the bedrock of my faith? What are the Christian values at Flat Rock UMC that will help me withstand any storm?

Thursday: Ephesians 4:1-6 - Ask yourself: How does my participation at my church “preserve the unity” of all of us? What is one way I can commit more to preserving this unity for future generations?

Friday: Joshua 23:15; 24:25-28 - Reflect upon these statements on God’s promises and Israel’s covenant written on the scroll: It is good to expect your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to help hold you accountable to your baptismal vows? Even though it may be hard to hear, how can being made responsible for my promises help me?

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