Ilc project By:kayla

Mission: My Mission is to feed all of the people in the community that don't have the opportunity everyday to have a good meal everyday.

Benifits: The benifits that will come out of this is that the community will get a good meal and that all of the people will feel good and they might know that people care about them and are worried about them and looking out for them. What I will get out of it is the smiles on there faces and I will feel good about myself for doing a good thing for the community.

Purpose:What my purpose of this project or what drove me to do this project is when I went to the food drive or a food kitchen so I can feed these people and to help out the homeless try to regain hope for themselves and to also follow there dreams.

Key details: Who: Me and my grandma. What: Food kitchen When: In the spring time Where: West broad street

Goals: That everyone is happy and they are thankful that people care about them and about there health and are willing to go above and beyond for them. Also that I will feel good and willing to do more of these things so I can keep helping people in need.

Contacts: Grandma and also her church and the person who owns the place it will be at.

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