Hope on. Journey on. - Jeffrey R. Holland

Hello everyone! This is Jennie. I am one of the 3 founders of DSI, I currently am a board member, and probably most notable today, I am on my way to Cambodia as I write this! Well actually, I am at Los Angeles' International Airport where I am waiting for my next flight, which will take me to Taipei and then on to Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia.

I am overjoyed to be heading back to Cambodia representing DSI (this time on a solo trip) to go visit our partner organizations and friends, who we work alongside of toward the common goal of bettering the lives of those with disabilities. There are many Cambodian's working day after day to make progress, and progress is being made! But there are still many people without access to any services; whose needs are currently not being met.

The purpose of this trip centers around the programs we are beginning at DSI. I will be spending time working alongside of some of our partners to better understand the currently available services and asking for their assistance to prioritize some of the many countrywide needs and obstacles that they have helped us to outline. I will go into some of these areas of need later on...

For now, thank you all for your support, thoughts, and prayers. Please especially focus now on safe transit and my acclimation to the extreme temperature difference. When I get off the plane in Phnom Penh around 10am on Saturday morning (9pm on Friday CST) it is forecasted to feel like 105°F. A bit different than Minnesota this time of year ;)


Created with images by macayran - "sunset sea ​​of ​​clouds clouds"

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