Mother Jones By Vrushank Nayak

Mother Jones is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit news organization

- Mother Jones is a non profit news publication. Founded in 1976.

- It is reader supported and it is completely digital with over 9 million visiting the site.

- They don't report to any stockholders, owners, or corporate conglomerates. Their biggest source of support is the readers (via subscriptions and donations), but they also have advertising and other revenue.

- It is named after Mary Harry Jones who was a union activist during the late 1800s and founded the Social Democratic Party and helped establish the Industrial Workers of the World.

Feb 17, 2017 issue.

- Very minimal front page, not too cluttered.

- The news publication has very different sections than any other news organization.

- The top story has a different focus rather than it being on President Trump and his administrative choices.

Feb 17, 2017 home page.

- Even though the top story is not about President Trump the other top stories are dominated by President Trump with one story about climate change making the cut.

- Further the Photos section shows the internment camps during World War 2 and the treatment of Japanese-Americans during those times.

- Moreover, the Investigation Section also has some interesting stories and one of them is an investigation about Betsy Davos.

- The investigation is an in depth dig of Betsy Davos and her family's assets along with historical references to understand the state of Michigan school system.

No byline author

- Mother Jones on it its website/online publication comes off as a bi partisan news organization, however on social media it has a different persona.

- Mother Jones's Facebook page depicts a total different personality. With the articles having more left leaning titles and provocative language.

Click bait Titles

Mother Jones is not only changing the way the news business is done. But it is also trying to change the way the people are consuming the news by making it more democratic and reader supported.


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