How It works for parents allows you to book daycare spots on demand. here How it works:

Step 1 - Register

Sign upĀ as a parent on then, confirm your email.

Once you confirm your email you will be able to add additional children by using the top left menu > children > add children

Step 2 - book Spots

Select your Child, Daycare and Room and then click " Book spots"

Tap dates in green to book. Tap unavailable dates to be added to the waitlist and you'll be notified when it becomes available.

Checkout and pay!

Step 3 - regular customers can list days You'll be absent. If it sells, you'll receive a partial credit.

Simply tap the dates you'll be absent and click "drop spots". The credit being offered is displayed on the top left of the screen. You'll be notified if your spot sells.

You're all set!

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