Ecstasy by; katie basham

Facts: Ecstasy is also known as the "happy pill", popular party drug, also known as MDMA, It is illegal, extremely dangerous and could be deadly

1. over half a million adults surveyed in 2014, were current Ecstasy users. 2. In 2014, the survey found that 0.2% had used Ecstasy in the past month. 3. 65% of users are male 4. in 2014, about 1.2% of adolescents had taken Ecstasy atleast once in their life. 5. also in 2014, nearly 1% of the same population had used it within the past year.

physically; Dry mouth, the chills, loss of appetite Mentally/emotionally; impaired judgement, panic attacks, anxiety

Street Names; 1) happy pill 2) e-bomb 3) molly 4) smartees 5) love drug

Ecsatsy is a dangerous drug so dont do it.


Created with images by Jonathan Rolande - "Colourful Pills" • Brett_Hondow - "tums pills tablets" • futureshape - "Happy Pills" • Photoshop Roadmap - "Colorful Pattern"

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