Wild Bactrian Camel Two-Humped Camel

The Bactrian Camel, or Camelus ferus, is critically endangered due to mining, industrialization, and the illegal hunting of their species.

2007 – Critically Endangered (CR)

2002 – Critically Endangered (CR)

1996 – Endangered (EN)

1996 – Endangered (EN)

1994 – Vulnerable (V)

1990 – Vulnerable (V)

1988 – Vulnerable (V)

1986 – Vulnerable (V)

Bactrian Camels live in the Gobi desert, which is in Mongolia and China, and formerly in Kazakhstan before they went regionally extinct there.

Range of Bactrian Camels

Camels are being threatened by habitat loss due to droughts, domestic livestock, and industrial establishments. They are also being hunted along the border of their reserve by poachers and an increasing wolf population.

There are currently only 950 Bactrian Camels left on Earth. There will be a population reduction of 80% in the next three generations due to hunting, mining, and industrialization.

There is little vegetation where Bactrian Camels live. In some areas they have adapted to drinking the salt water slush available. They are terrestrial animals and migrate from oasis to oasis throughout the desert. In such a harsh environment there is not much life other than snakes and plants. Camels often help spread plant seeds from oasis to oasis.

Similar to cows and sheep, camels produce methane. They are also supporting the growing wolf population and maintaining the biodiversity of the Gobi by spreading plant seeds.

In Mongolia and China there are two nature reserves where hunting camels is illegal. The Great Gobi Reserve A in Mongolia houses most of the Bactrian camel population and the Arjin Shan Lop Nur Nature Reserve in China.

In Mongolia there is a Bactrian Camel breeding program. While there are only 15 camels in the program currently, they have successfully birthed two baby camels.

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